Creative Theology

hands-3457909_1920In my work in the Corporate world, we sometimes use the expression “Creative Accounting” to describe bookkeeping that is less-than up-right and honest. A similar thing is happening throughout the Christian world in the arena of Biblical truth. I am saddened by the number of preachers, teachers and others who play loose with God’s Word in efforts to attract crowds or assuage their own guilty consciences. Continue reading “Creative Theology”

A Word About God

faith-507810_1280It’s a huge risk! I could lose half my readers in the very first paragraph of this blog. But, still, I have to say it! THEOLOGY! I know that many people avoid that word like the plague, but the truth is, you are already learning and practicing theology every day of your life – even when you don’t know it. The important questions are, what is the brand of theology? Is it correct?

Continue reading “A Word About God”

How Firm is Your Foundation?

firmfoundationIf you have spent any time in Sunday School, Children’s Church or Vacation Bible School, you have probably heard the parable of the wise man and the foolish man. But it is more than just a story, it begs the question, which one are you?

The story is found in Matthew 7:24-27. In the story, the wise man built his house upon a solid rock foundation. When the storms came, the house stood strong. The foolish man however, built his house upon the shifting sands. When the storms came, the house fell with a great crash.

Notice that both of the men built houses. Both of the men presumably lived in their house. The houses probably looked pretty much the same. It is even possible that foolish man’s house looked even better. After all, he probably did not spend as much money on his foundation, or land, so he had more money to put into the cosmetics. When the storms came however – and they always do – the foolish man lost everything.

Continue reading “How Firm is Your Foundation?”