Engaging the Real Stakes

people-1164926_1920A few short days ago in Orlando we, the American people, experienced another devastating rip in the fabric of our collective souls. The well formulated response templates were quickly populated by the various interest groups and the battle lines were clearly drawn around philosophical and political world-views. Just as fluidly, the ideological children of those interest groups leaped onto social media to defend their virtual turf and espouse their anger toward whoever and whatever threatened their position.

It appears that with each tragic salvo, facts are more and more quickly obscured by the overarching narratives that have been custom-tailored to fit each interest group’s agenda. True compassion for victims now almost immediately gives way to objectification, as the suffering are turned into poster children for carefully guarded world-views. In this crisis, for example, victims have been used to promote less guns by one group and more guns by another. Some have used the incident to indict the entire Muslim community while others have gone out of their way to say it had nothing to do with Islam at all.

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Debate Smackdown!

presidentIn a scathing rebuke of the main stream media,during last night’s Republican Presidential Debate, Senator Ted Cruz sparked a firestorm of controversy in today’s press. Cruz chastised CNBC’s moderator, Carl Quintanilla saying, “The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media.” [Audience Applause] He went on to say, “This is not a cage match.”

So what was Quintanilla’s alleged sin? Did his question really go over the top or was Cruz simply being too sensitive?

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10 Ways to Express Yourself Without Being a Jerk

jerkI’ve been thinking a great deal lately about the “debates” going in our world. Unfortunately, it increasingly appears less about enlightened and reasoned conversations that make us all better, and more about personal pride and unyielding rants. While there should be encouragement from leadership to keep the discussion civil, it seems that more-often-than-not, leaders appear to be fueling the rage. I believe some do this for personal advantage while others are simply too immature to play well with others.

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