That Blessed Pope Water

waterblessingIn one of the more entertaining moments of the recent Papal visit to the United States, Representative Bob Brady absconded with the Pontiff’s partially used water glass following his speech before a joint-session of Congress.

According to various reports, Mr. Brady drank some of the water from the glass and then offered some to his staff. He then reportedly invited his mother and Senator Bob Casey to come dip their fingers in the water.

In responding to the bizarre incident, Rep Brady told the media, “Anything the pope touches becomes blessed, I think so and no one is going to change my mind.”

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Witchcraft In the Church

witchcraftchurchIs it possible that some who have accepted Christ, still dabble in the occult and witchcraft? Is it possible that some are doing it without even being aware?

It never ceases to amaze me when people who consider themselves “good Christians” – and go to church every week – still get caught up in pagan practices that are absolutely offensive to God.

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