I Want to Be the German Shepherd

shepherdYou never know where life’s precious lessons are going to come from. More often than not, they come from observing the actions of others. In my case, my observations yesterday were not of people, rather they were of two dogs.

After helping my youngest daughter pick out a couple of bottom feeders for her aquarium, I queued up in the rather long line to checkout. I knew it would take a little while, and told both of my girls that they could look around if they wanted while I waited in line.

Amazingly, they found the kittens and birds more interesting than the line, so they left. In my crowded solitude, I began to look around at the people and animals nearby. A lady in front of me was holding the leash of a gorgeous, young German Shepherd – not quite a puppy, but far from fully grown. His body was perfectly posed and he looked down the aisle with a seemingly curious look on his face.

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The Project

museum-village-1978559_1920It was an unmitigated eyesore. Bright pink, lavender trim and a lime green “Daisy Mae” painted in script across the headboard. There were a couple of broken spindles and a missing decorative ball. Still, there was something about it that drew Paul in like metal to a magnet. Careful inspection revealed that underneath all the paint, glue and amateur patchwork, the antique crib had been lovingly designed, cut, assembled and finished by the talented hands of a remarkable craftsman.

In its current condition, he knew Melinda would not be happy if he returned home with it. And he feared that the mere suggestion of placing their soon-to-be first-born baby in it to sleep, might cause his normally sweet and gentle wife to erupt in a hormonally charged outburst that could very-well negatively impact his health.

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Narrow-minded? Think Again!

gatewayWhat would you say if someone approached and asked you if you are narrow-minded? Most of us would instinctively and impulsively respond, “Absolutely not.” But, perhaps we should re-consider our answer.

The phrase “narrow-minded” often conjures up all kinds of negative feelings and undesirable nouns to go with it: Bigot, Homophobe, Misogynist, Islamophobe, and Racist just to name a few. We have been conditioned to believe that the more open our mind is, the better person we are. What is surprising, is that God disagrees.

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Defective Lighthouses

lighthouse-2372004_1280In 1970 the teenage son of a Pastor from California emerged triumphantly from the basement of The Pentecostal Tabernacle church. His family was scheduled to sing there that evening and realized they needed more material. Ronnie had excused himself for several minutes and returned carrying a trail of toilet tissue. On that unceremonious paper, were the lyrics to a brand-new song titled, “The Lighthouse.” After a little refinement in collaboration with his brother Kenny, the song was first recorded by The Happy Goodman’s and later by Elvis Presley.

Since that time, thousands of groups and soloists around the world have performed the song – including me. Although Ronnie Hinson has written many chart busting songs since that time, none have reached the awards, accolades and success of “The Lighthouse.”

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Rear-View Focus

Man looking in the rear view mirror while drivingThe rear-view mirror is a great tool. It gives us a way to see what is behind us so we can use that information to make better decisions. For example, it helps us avoid pulling out in front of that speeding little red convertible weaving in and out of traffic.

Rear-view mirrors also provide insight into obstacles and dangers in those rare instances when we are forced to backup before we can start moving forward again. Despite its great value, however, the rear-view mirror was never purposed to hold our attention for long periods of time. Too much focus on the rear-view mirror can cause us to crash and stall our forward movement.

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wellWhat was the woman thinking as the Jewish man moved closer to her? She knew that Jews considered her kind untouchable merely for their ancestry. Her personal secret life took her discomfort and shame to an even greater level. As he opened his mouth to speak, she was most certainly expecting some kind of put-down or curse. Instead, he asked her for a drink of water.

What was the woman’s attitude? Was she merely surprised by the unprecedented request, or was she belligerent at the audacity of a man – from a group of people known for always looking down on her race – asking her to serve him?

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Truth is Only True When Its True

Multiethnic group of thoughtful people with laptops sitting and thinkingOne of the most notorious contributions of post-modernism to our time in history is the supposed relative nature of truth. By this argument, there should be no colleges or universities teaching cultural relativism, since – according to their espoused philosophy – life has no meaning and truth is at best unknowable or at worst non-existent.

Taking these premises to their logical conclusion, college, teaching, study and even the professors themselves are all meaningless. The very statement, “truth is relative,” would be relative. The statement, “there is no meaning,” would by its own subjective rules be meaningless.

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Is Truth Dead

IsTruthDeadLast month, Time Magazine revisited their 1966 cover design where they asked, “Is God Dead?” This time the question, in the same red lettering on black background, was, “Is Truth Dead?” It is obvious to most of us that the execution of God by our culture would inevitably lead to the disappearance of truth.

Indeed, the murder of truth didn’t take place fifty-one years later, it happened the very moment that culture rebelled against the Sovereign God who is the very person of Truth. Like cut flowers, however, the full effect of the pruning would take some time before the beauty of truth faded and decayed.

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I’m Very Spiritual

light-681186_1920Often when talking to someone about God, they will say, “I’m a very spiritual person.” Usually this means that they feel some kind of connection with some undefined power that is beyond their understanding. To Christians, this kind of thinking should not be surprising. “In the beginning was the Word.” (John 1:1) God spoke the world into existence. (Genesis 1) Not only is the vibrations of creation still reverberating today, He is still speaking.

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Singing in the Storm

Woman and rain showerIt seems that every day I peruse Facebook, I see posts claiming health, wealth and prosperity to everyone who is reading. Some preachers even teach that if you are suffering, you are falling short of God’s will for one reason or another. I was even at a funeral once where a “Prophetess” told the daughter of the woman who died that if she had had enough faith, her Mom would still be alive. I have addressed some of this before, but today I would like to take a little different approach.

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