Isn’t it ironic that even the most debase among us demand justice? Doesn’t it irritate you when you read or hear a bad guy say something like, “You killed my brother, now your family is going to die?” He seems to totally ignore that his brother killed a bunch of innocent people and was planning to blow up the world. In the bad guy’s mind justice is all about what personally affects him. Continue reading “Pits, Potiphars, and Prisons”
Sinner to Saint in 30 Minutes or Less
A quick survey of the societal landscape provides mounting evidence that we are living in a post-Christian culture. Every day a virtual flood of secularism, atheism, humanism, hedonism, and a plethora of other “isms” assault our spiritual immune systems and work to infect us, our families and our churches.
Dr. Pete Sulack says, “Germs don’t make you sick, weakened immune systems make you sick.” The same can be said about culture. Culture cannot infect us if our spiritual immune system is strong. If it is weak, however, there are a vast number of ways we find ourselves in spiritual decline. Continue reading “Sinner to Saint in 30 Minutes or Less”
The Atheist Omelet
Disclaimer: The following story is in no way intended to demean or trivialize the faith of atheists. Not only do I personally enjoy the privilege of living in a country founded on the idea of free thought, God Himself grants it through what church people like to call “free-will.” I understand the hyper-simplicity of the story. It is metaphorical and not intended to exhaustively explore views of causality, quantum-physics, or any other scientific or philosophical discipline. If nothing else is achieved by the story, it is my hope that by the end, you will at least consider that the atheistic view of God requires more faith than the Christian one. Now, on with the story.
On a hot summer day in Georgia, a jet-black Labrador Retriever named Chance awakened from his nap to the clucking of a barnyard chicken who had ventured too close. Chance let out a loud bark and shot after the chicken with a vengeance. He was moving so fast, that the snap of the chain barely slowed him down.
The chicken clucked and flapped frantically trying to get away from the violent K-9. Using her limited wing capacity, she pushed herself as high into the air as she could and was able to clear a large rock. Just as she flew over the rock, she dropped an egg which fell onto the rock breaking perfectly in half depositing its contents on the rock as the two halves of the shell fell to either side.
Nahushtan: When Blessings Turn Into a Curse
Everybody wants a blessing! I don’t know of anyone who goes to a minister, or a witch for that matter, and says, “Please curse me.” Everybody I know is looking for a blessing not a curse – including me.
The problem is that when we become discouraged or depressed, it is easy to get caught up in behaviors and attitudes that lead to curses instead of the blessings that we desperately seek. When we want, and need, a blessing the most is the very time that we are most likely to head in the other direction and end up in the middle of a full-fledged curse. Continue reading “Nahushtan: When Blessings Turn Into a Curse”
Do You Know Any Cretans?
Have you ever been called a Cretan? If so, it wasn’t meant as a compliment.
In the small, often-overlooked book of Titus, the Apostle Paul provides instructions to his young protégé. Paul had left Titus behind on the isle of Crete to complete the work of establishing and organizing the newly formed church. He was to appoint elders and establish order throughout the over 3,000 square miles of varied terrain. Continue reading “Do You Know Any Cretans?”
Happy New Year 5778
Today is the first day of a new year – at least on the Jewish calendar. Rosh Hashanah a.k.a. Feast of Trumpets kicks off the Days of Awe which continues for the next ten days and culminates in Yom Kippur beginning at sunset on September 29th. Continue reading “Happy New Year 5778”
Illuminating Grace: 4 Ways that Grace Changes our Lives
God is doing a great work in our days in the area of illuminating our understanding of grace. Perhaps more than any time since 1779, when former slave ship captain John Newton penned the words, “Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me…,“ – people are asking the question, “what is grace?” and “what does it mean to me?” Let’s take a look at a few of the ways grace changes our lives. Continue reading “Illuminating Grace: 4 Ways that Grace Changes our Lives”
God Hates
There has been such an overwhelming focus on God’s love over the past few decades that it may come as a surprise to many that there are things that God does indeed hate. Yes, it’s true. God is a God of love AND a God of hate. It shouldn’t come as too big of a surprise to us. After all we are made in His image and our passions flow in both directions as well.
While we don’t have time in this article to do an exhaustive study of the topic, it is fairly safe to say that all of the things God hates can be placed into two categories: 1.) Actions that diminish His rightful worship; 2.) Actions that diminish or corrupt His Creation. Continue reading “God Hates”
Peace Be Still
An easy metaphor for our current reality is a boat on a storm-tossed sea. A graphical representation of that metaphor could be painted as miles of ocean surrounding a tiny boat that is tilting to one side about to be engulfed by a large wave, as torrents of rain pour from above. Such a picture would provide an observer a singular perspective of the dangers of the storm and the isolation and vulnerability of the vessel.
Unfortunately, such a picture would not represent our modern perspective. That view is too far removed from the actual experience; the sheer terror of turmoil and danger; the pure adrenaline of the moment and the filters of our past experiences. No, our perspective is painted from the boat itself. We are often plagued not only with the fears we know, but also the ones we do not. Mental images of jagged rocks just beneath the surface, vessels and other dangers just beyond our ability to see, circling sharks awaiting their next meal. We are driven by our deepest fears as we desperately cling to some semblance of hope in a future where we can survive. Continue reading “Peace Be Still”
Being Fruitful in Despair
Have you ever found yourself at a place in life where the circumstances of the moment crowded out and overshadowed the Prophetic Promises spoken in the past? Have you ever found yourself so pressed by current adversities that you could see no path forward?
If you said yes, Joseph was certainly a person who could empathize. As a young man he literally had dreams of being a leader. In those dreams he saw his older brothers bowing down to him. I’m sure he was very excited at the prospect of a fruitful and meaningful life. I doubt he understood the course it would take to get there.