Fast Forward 2018 – Jesus Judo Part 1

JJP1In our introduction to Fast Forward 2018, we looked at how the law of opposite actions a.k.a. “Jesus Judo” can be used to turn the devil’s attacks against him. This week we begin looking at some specific areas where the principles of Jesus Judo can be used to transform culture into Kingdom. In the most famous prayer of all time, Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” (Matthew 6:10) Continue reading “Fast Forward 2018 – Jesus Judo Part 1”

Fast Forward with Jesus Judo and the Law of Opposite Actions in 2018

One the most challenging aspects of Christianity – both to understand and to live out – is what I call, “The Law of Opposite Actions.”  It’s one of those topics that, even though I have taught, preached and wrote on it numerous times, never diminishes in importance or urgency. In one of my older blogs, I called it Jesus Judo for Biblical Blessings.  While some things are for a season, this message is life-long. I believe it is also one that God has chosen to emphasize in 2018.

You can get more details in the links below, but the basics work like this. Jesus said, “Bless those who curse you, pray for those who hurt you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also… Love your enemies! Do good to them. Lend to them without expecting to be repaid. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High.” (Luke 6:27-29, 35-36)

I am encouraging everyone connected to me, to place a special emphasis on Jesus Judo for the next 40 days. In addition to traditional prayer and fasting for God’s presence, protection and guidance for ourselves, our families, our churches, our communities, our nations and our world, I am also encouraging you to train your mind to think Kingdom rather than culture.

So, when you are talking around the coffee pot in the breakroom, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or other social media, at school, the grocery store, on the phone or anywhere your life takes you, pray this simple prayer,

“Lord Jesus, what do You want to do in these people’s lives, and how may I assist you in your work?”

Then just listen and do what God says. The answer may come in the form of a scripture memory or an inner knowing of the right thing to do. God may use another person to give you important information. In reality, there are no limits on how God can reveal something to you. As long as it lines up with scripture, you’re good to go. The devil would probably never tell you to show godly love to someone.  You will be amazed at how quickly your ears will become open to hear the voice of the Lord and how much your own life will be enhanced when you are in full-service to God and People.

Next, resist negativity and judgment. We know that God sent His only son so that EVERYONE would have the opportunity to be saved. (John 3:16) When we act as ambassadors of the Kingdom, our role is not to judge who can be a part of God’s Kingdom and who can’t – God already invited everyone. Our role is simply to help him spread the word – extend the invitation. He has employed us to help lead people out of darkness into His glorious light.  So, for the next 40 days, God is asking you to forgo cynicism and judgment, set aside earthly politics and culture, lay down your negative world-view glasses and instead see God’s ability to redeem and restore everyone and everything. Imagine how different people and situations will be when God finishes His great work.

In the days ahead, I will be releasing specific teachings on how to overcome evil with good – in your personal life and in the culture. Please make sure you are subscribed to my free email list so you don’t miss a single principle that will help you prosper spiritually and naturally in this new year.

May this be your best year yet as you grow closer to God and His creation.

May you have a Joyous and Prosperous New Year!

God Bless!



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Often Overlooked Ways Jesus Changed the World – Part 2

christmas-2871064_1920 (1)Who is this man Jesus? Love him or hate him, he cannot simply be ignored. Napoleon wrote of him,

I know men and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man. Between Him and every other person in the world there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creation of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded His Empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. – Napoleon

Continue reading “Often Overlooked Ways Jesus Changed the World – Part 2”

Often Overlooked Ways Jesus Changed the World – Part 1

advent-1577139__340As we reflect on the spiritual significance of Christmas, it is appropriate and natural for us to consider the wonderful gifts of salvation, justification by faith, and Redemption from death unto life. But if we are not diligent, it is easy to overlook some of the more earthly and natural outcomes of the little Baby in the manger. While the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ yields far too many benefits to comprehensively list here, let’s take a look at just a few: Continue reading “Often Overlooked Ways Jesus Changed the World – Part 1”

Christmas Wars

christmas-2871064_1920This time of year it is not uncommon to hear about battles over nativity scenes, Christmas greetings and other secular vs. sacred topics. This year is no different as we see new polls showing an ever increasing move toward removing Christ from the marketplace and from individual homes. There is certainly a place for that discussion, but it is NOT what this blog is about. Instead it is about something far more important.

Is it possible that we can get so caught up in the perceived attempt to rob us of our Christian faith, that we totally miss the attempts to rob us of our Christ? Continue reading “Christmas Wars”

Worthy of a King

camels-1150075_1920It’s time to celebrate “the most wonderful time of the year,” do you have all your gifts ready? What about the ones for the guest of honor? You know – the One Christmas is really all about – the REAL meaning of Christmas. For great gift ideas, let’s seek some sage advice from a group of wisemen.

Despite the traditional teaching that the wisemen brought three gifts to Jesus, I would like to suggest that they presented at least five gifts to the child king. Yes there was Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh, but I believe they offered some other treasures that were every bit as important and meaningful. Additionally, I would like to suggest that the three traditional gifts carry much greater significance than we often consider. Continue reading “Worthy of a King”

Protesting Leviathan

Hellish demons are wreaking havoc in ways that I have not previously experienced. While they have surely been at work since the fall of satan, it seems they are more stirred than ever. They know their time is short and they are trying to make the most of it. Additionally, increased population and the speed of communication has made it easier than ever for the hordes of hell to spread their venom from coast to coast and continent to continent. Social Media assures that we have ample opportunities every minute of the day to engage our sinful natures and damage the hearts and minds of ourselves and others with our words and memes. Continue reading “Protesting Leviathan”

Happy Thanksgiving!

ThanksgivingImageWe need three positive emotions to balance out every negative one according to Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, Professor of Psychology at UNC-Chapel Hill. As a Pastor and Life Coach, I can’t help but believe that many people are living with a deficit. The good news is we don’t have to be stuck that way. We can “choose” good feelings.

I remember this principle coming home to me in a very real way when I traveled out to the remote village of Kakamega Kenya. When my friends and I got off the bus from Nairobi, we were greeted by enthusiastic children and adults. As two of us were white, we got special attention. Many of these children had never seen a white person before and were amazed as they looked at our skin. Continue reading “Happy Thanksgiving!”

Cultural Misappropriations

fresh sunrise at mountain I sometimes find myself musing over what I am allowed to do nowadays. How do I avoid violating the new tenants of politically correct purity? I love Lasagna but ahime’ (alas), I am not Italian, I enjoy certain rap music, but I’m not from the hood. I do have a lot of Irish in me, but I don’t dance a jig, play the bagpipes or drink. Before you even suggest it, nobody wants to see my legs in a kilt.

One of the many great offenders of the modern politically righteous is Cultural Appropriation. For those who may not know, Cultural Appropriation occurs when someone from one culture says, does, or wears something that was originated by a different culture. Continue reading “Cultural Misappropriations”