What are Most Christians Missing?

philippians1.9In my many years of Spiritual Coaching and Counseling, I have frequently noticed one thing missing from most of the people I have worked with. Tragically, the absence of this Spiritual tool, causes people to make poor choices and experience unnecessary pain. The tool I am referring to is discernment.

Paul the Apostle wrote:

I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ —for this will bring much glory and praise to God. (Philippians 1:9-11 NLT)

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Repairing the Walls: Seven “R” things we must do

sevenRthingsWhile I understand that there are differing opinions, I personally do not believe that our nation, communities and  churches are headed in the right direction. Like other societies who have lost their way throughout history, we appear to be careening down the slippery slope that leads to economic calamity, moral depravity and spiritual emptiness. That being said, I do not believe that we are without hope. I believe there are ways to turn things around.

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Riots and Religion–Four Things the Church Can Do

riotsandreligionAs our cities burn, I am straining to hear the voice of God speaking clearly through His church. While there are a lot of church leaders speaking, much of what is being said is not helpful and therefore is obviously not the voice of God.

In Romans 12:18, Paul the Apostle wrote, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” (NIV) Some will quickly argue that it was written to a different time, with different people and different conditions. Indeed it was. It was written to a church that was ostracized from a pluralistic society that blamed natural disasters and other unfortunate events on the people Paul was writing to. Just a few years after this letter, Paul himself would die at the hands of Roman executioners, Peter would be crucified upside down and Nero would blame the city fire on Christians. This is the same guy – by the way – that liked to wrap Christians in oil soaked cloth and set them on fire to light his gardens in the evening.

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Send the Fire–Send the Rain

sendfiresendrainWouldn’t you have loved to be a hawk circling above Mt Carmel on the day of the great showdown? Elijah was bringing it on with the false prophets. In this corner, with a long mangy beard – the man who many probably thought to be dead after three and a half years in hiding – the Prophet of Yahweh, Elijah! In the other corner four-hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and four-hundred prophets of Asherah.

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Who Wins the Day?

whowinsthedayMost of us don’t like having them, yet our culture craves them. We often view them as negative and something to be avoided, yet we are willing to pay big money to see other people have them. Whether it is Jerry Springer, Duck Dynasty, Cross Fire or some other form of modern “entertainment,” the modern world is infatuated with arguments. Continue reading “Who Wins the Day?”

Where Does the Evidence Lead?

EvidenceAccording to a recent ABC poll, 83% of Americans currently identify themselves as Christian. According to your definition, how many of these do you think legitimately qualify for the title?

The Apostle Paul urged the congregants in Corinth to examine themselves in order to make sure they were “in the faith.” (2 Corinthians 13:5) This appeal was given in the context of an upcoming visit where he was concerned that he would have to call out sin in the membership. He was hopeful that they would get their lives right with God before his visit so that he could enjoy his visit with encouraging words instead of experiencing an unpleasant trip focused on harsh correction. Continue reading “Where Does the Evidence Lead?”

Please Sit Down and Shut Up

sitdownandshutupI did say “please.” 🙂 Not a day goes by when we aren’t lectured by a Talk Show Host, News Commentator, secular University Professor, Actor or some other theologically inept person about the Christian Faith. They hike their noses in haughty disdain for the ignorant Evangelical Bible Thumpers who simply don’t get it. They school us on what the Bible really means or what Jesus would do if He were walking the earth today. I, for one, am fed up! Continue reading “Please Sit Down and Shut Up”

Love Is A Verb

loveisaverb*** Warning Do Not Read this if you are a Hopeless Romantic ***

To be painfully honest, falling in love, as we have learned from our culture, is more related to the way we feel about ourselves than it is about the way we feel toward the person we are supposedly in love with. The romantic notions that pervade our modern minds and emotions are more rooted in the literary inventions of poets and storytellers than they are real life. Continue reading “Love Is A Verb”