The Anatomy of Deception Part 1

sharpnose-snake-921688_1920Are there strategies and tactics the enemy uses when he attempts to deceive us? Are there ways in which we open ourselves to deceit? If so, are there ways that we can recognize those strategies and seal off those spiritual leaks?

Genesis 3:1-7 recounts the story of the temptation in the Garden of Eden. The serpent carefully and cunningly weaves his way into Eve’s imagination and opens her mind to a view of her world that is different than the one God had taught them. Continue reading “The Anatomy of Deception Part 1”

Partnering for Success

tie-690084_1920If you are anything like me, there never seems to be enough hours in the week to get everything on the To Do List completed. Sure, some of this is because I am a big dreamer, but many times, however, I fall short of my goals because I fail to properly engage the help around me.

While employers, managers and organizational leaders often have paid and/or volunteer staff to help get the job done, some do not have that luxury. Even those of us that are blessed to have a great team of people around us, often have elements of our life that need to be done outside of that staff structure.

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Out of Isolation

blogger-336371_1920Unless you are an emotional and spiritual zombie, we all have moments that make us pause and contemplate life. I experienced one of those recently when a friend and fellow minister sent me a text stating that he had found his wife cheating on him – again.

In my experience, God usually prepares us for these moments. Just the morning before I learned the news, I was reflecting on how even though we are more connected than ever through technology, business and interest-centered organizations, the real us has perhaps never been more isolated and lonely. Even I must reluctantly admit, there are a lot of people who know me, but precious few who really KNOW me.

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The Formation and Preparation of an Exorcist

512px-Kilbennan_St._Benin's_Church_Window_St._Patrick_Detail_2010_09_16Many years ago a teenage boy was abducted from his Christian home and taken to a foreign country where he was forced into slavery. For six years, he prayed constantly amid great torment and loneliness. He came to identify with Christ in suffering, and learned what it really meant to trust God no matter what. One night during a time of prayer and fasting he heard a voice telling him it was time to be free. He escaped and found passage home to his family where he began to study for ministry.

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Three Signs of a Spiritual Pied Piper

sage-67789_1280Remember the old children story about the Pied Piper? When the Piper didn’t get what he felt was rightfully his, he played his pipe while the children followed him out of town. Is it possible that today we have spiritual Pied Pipers who, when they don’t get what they feel should be theirs – doing it God’s way, adopt a new approach?

The Apostle Peter warned us in 2 Peter 2:1-2, that false prophets and teachers would bring swift destruction on themselves by introducing destructive heresies and denying Christ. He went on to say that people of the church would follow their sensuality and would harm the reputation of the gospel. Jesus said in Luke 17:2 that it would be better for a man to have a millstone hung around his neck and thrown into the sea than to lead little ones astray. Jude 1 echoes Peter’s words saying that false teachers and prophets have followed the way of Cain, Balaam and Korah.

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Carb-free Christianity

bread-1696161_1920You don’t have to shop very long to discover that a lot of what is marketed as healthy is quite the opposite. New and Improved usually means same-old and less-than-healthy. Many fat-free items are loaded with carbohydrates to make up for the loss in taste. Many low-calorie items use sweeteners that make the body feel like it is starving, which causes consumers to eat much more. Then you have the psychological affect. People tend to over-indulge or cheat because they feel like they have earned it by “being good.” In the end, people often find themselves in worse shape – and further from their goals – than they would have been if they had stuck to meat and potatoes in the first place.

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Improving the Truth

path-691233_1280Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life…” Does that mean He is always impressed when we tell the truth? Surprisingly, no. There are ways we can “improve on the truth.”

I was reading a rant on Facebook this morning that brought this “truth” to light. The person was chastising people who call themselves Christians, yet ignore the character flaws of Donald Trump. He went on to berate his readers for criticizing President Obama for character issues while ignoring those found in the man they supported.

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Chasing Prophets

openDid you think that God would ever allow a “Prophet” to lie to you in order to find out if you really love Him with all your heart and soul? It may surprise you, but the Bible says He will.

As a musician, singer and speaker, I have had the opportunity throughout most of my life to travel and engage all kinds of church folk. I have ministered to Baptists, Presbyterians, Mennonites, Amish, Pentecostals, Independents, Catholics and many others. I have noticed that even among the less charismatic believers, there is a tendency for people to look to preachers and prophets for direction and guidance. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing since God established Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers for the building up of Saints and the Church. (Eph 4:11-12) But sometimes, this goes a bit too far and people start chasing after so-called prophets.

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When You Cry Out for Help

woman-1006100_1920When you cry out to God for help, what do you expect? The way God responds may surprise you.

There was a time after God delivered Israel from Egypt into the promised land when they were harassed by the nation of Midian for seven years. The people of Israel hid in mountain clefts, caves and strongholds. Every time they planted crops, marauders from Midian and other places would attack them. They would camp out, destroy the crops, steal the sheep, goats, cattle and donkeys and leave the land stripped bare. The people of Israel became impoverished, destitute and on the verge of starvation. They finally began to cry out to God for help.

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