How Firm is Your Foundation?

firmfoundationIf you have spent any time in Sunday School, Children’s Church or Vacation Bible School, you have probably heard the parable of the wise man and the foolish man. But it is more than just a story, it begs the question, which one are you?

The story is found in Matthew 7:24-27. In the story, the wise man built his house upon a solid rock foundation. When the storms came, the house stood strong. The foolish man however, built his house upon the shifting sands. When the storms came, the house fell with a great crash.

Notice that both of the men built houses. Both of the men presumably lived in their house. The houses probably looked pretty much the same. It is even possible that foolish man’s house looked even better. After all, he probably did not spend as much money on his foundation, or land, so he had more money to put into the cosmetics. When the storms came however – and they always do – the foolish man lost everything.

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Unity of Faith

unityoffaithGod called me into the ministry when I was twelve. He used a passage of Scripture from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. In the Old Testament, He used the Prophet Ezekiel to illustrate the seriousness and weightiness of the Call. From the New Testament, He used the prayer of Jesus (John 17) to reveal His heart for unity among believers.

From the time I was five, I have been blessed with the opportunity to sing and play music to Christians of many denominations. I have been honored to lead crazy Pentecostals and quiet Presbyterians, and most everyone in between. One of the many things God showed me through my experiences was that He has a lot of people earnestly desiring His presence even if they search for it in different ways.

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Witchcraft In the Church

witchcraftchurchIs it possible that some who have accepted Christ, still dabble in the occult and witchcraft? Is it possible that some are doing it without even being aware?

It never ceases to amaze me when people who consider themselves “good Christians” – and go to church every week – still get caught up in pagan practices that are absolutely offensive to God.

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How to Make Your Attitude Work for You

attitudeThere is a much better and more effective way to apply your positive attitude in a way that will actually yield results. Things do not happen because of a feeling, they happen because you know the rules and are willing to apply some hard work.

With all the Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) talk floating around the self-deception trap has never been easier to fall into. While a positive attitude is very important in pursuing your dreams, there is a point when it turns evil.

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What You “Like” Says More than You Know

facebookOkay, I admit it. Sometimes I post stuff on Facebook just to see how it will play out in “likes” and “shares.”

It is fascinating to me that I can post two bible verses – without commentary – seconds apart from each other and one will get dozens of “likes” while the other is largely ignored. I have even discovered a fairly proven – though not scientific – formula for predicting what will be “liked” and what will not. For example, here are two Bible verses from the same version of the Bible:

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The Search of True and Lasting Love

LoveFrom the Board Rooms of New York advertising agencies to school locker rooms, it is clear that we are all searching for true and lasting love. Billions of dollars, yen, sterling and other currencies trade hands every year in hopes that a product or service will somehow be the key to this elusive and priceless heart-cry.

In the process of this search, we have all been sold a bill of goods. The actors who portray perfect couples on television and movies, are often some of the worst at achieving lasting love. All too often, their home lives are a train wreck, plagued with unfaithfulness, abuse, divorce and brokenness. Their children often grow up confused and unloved – repeating the same mistakes in another generation.

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doubleagentsEven after all these years, there is a clear image in my mind of the Nuclear Radiation symbol that adorned the stairwell of my elementary school. I vividly remember the drills where we were told to get under our desks or to walk quickly to the fall-out shelter in the basement of the building.

During the cold-war, these events were the norm for children all across America. We lived under a very real threat that the Soviet Union or one of its allies could launch nuclear missiles at any time. Growing up a little over one-hundred miles south-west of the nation’s capital and less than two-hundred miles north-west of the largest Navel Station in the world, made us very aware of our potential as collateral damage in a nuclear exchange.

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10 Ways to Express Yourself Without Being a Jerk

jerkI’ve been thinking a great deal lately about the “debates” going in our world. Unfortunately, it increasingly appears less about enlightened and reasoned conversations that make us all better, and more about personal pride and unyielding rants. While there should be encouragement from leadership to keep the discussion civil, it seems that more-often-than-not, leaders appear to be fueling the rage. I believe some do this for personal advantage while others are simply too immature to play well with others.

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Are We Living in the Last Days?

endDo you believe that the world has changed dramatically in a short period of time? Does it make you nervous? Do you think it is a sign that we are living in the “end times?”

The concept of “last days,” exists in Judaism, Christianity and even Islam. Each of the big three believe that a time of great turmoil will come which will lead to the eventual establishment of a global kingdom led by God.

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