The line between being Prophetic and Pharisaical is so thin that it is often crossed without us even being aware. It is easy to feel so passionately about something that our emotions – or the devil – trick us into believing we are carrying out a righteous mission when, in truth, we have become self-righteous like the Pharisees of old. Continue reading “Prophets and Pharisees Part 1 of 5: Is it About God or is it About Me?”
Who Do You Serve – Really?
The greatest of all God’s commandments was written down by Moses and reiterated by Jesus, “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:5 NIV also Luke 10:27, Matthew 23:37, Mark 12:30-31).
By doing a little linguistic algebra, this Biblical law is not only a commandment but also a test. By looking at what we love with all our heart, soul and strength – in other words what we devote ourselves to – is a sure revealer of who or what we serve.
Let’s begin by looking at who God is and what He is, to us: Continue reading “Who Do You Serve – Really?”
Father Power
While most men would never dream of abusing or killing their own child, many are doing just that without even recognizing it.
We are not only experiencing the biggest dearth of Fathers in our history but also the biggest lack of real men. This may sound a bit harsh, but the evidence – like our children – screams to be heard. Continue reading “Father Power”
Are We Like God?
All people are made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:27). But what does that mean and how does it affect our daily lives? If we were created in God’s image, what did the Serpent in the Garden of Eden mean when he said we would be like God? Continue reading “Are We Like God?”
Don’t Lose Hope
HOPE is a word that is often thrown around lightly: “I hope my plane is on time,” “I hope the Patriots win the Super Bowl,” “I hope the weather warms up.” It seems we spend a lot of time hoping for things we have little or no control over and little-to-no assurance that what we hope for is actually going to happen. Praise the Lord, our relationship with God doesn’t have to – be like this.
The kind of hope the Bible talks about is very different from the one above. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for hope is defined as “confidence, security and without care (no doubt)” In the New Testament, the word for hope denotes “trust”. Doesn’t that sound much better than the kind of hope most of our culture has?
“Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around.” – Proverbs 13:13 (MSG)
Fast Forward 2018 – Jesus Judo Part 7: Humility & Pride
With the arrival of the last installment in the Jesus Judo series, we come to Humility and Pride. In case you have missed any along the way, all of the parts of this series along with hundreds of other teachings are on my website at To make sure you don’t miss any future blogs, please sign-up here.
In this series we have already looked at the first six of the ancient seven deadly sins and the corresponding seven Christian virtues: Chastity / Lust, Temperance / Gluttony, Charity / Greed, Diligence / Sloth, Patience / Wrath and Envy / Kindness. We also provided an Introduction to Jesus Judo and the Law of Opposite Actions at the very beginning. Today we finish up. Continue reading “Fast Forward 2018 – Jesus Judo Part 7: Humility & Pride”
Fast Forward 2018 – Jesus Judo Part 6: Kindness & Envy
Today we continue our study of Jesus Judo by contemplating the seven virtues and deadly sins that have been recognized by the Church since well before the seventh century AD. Having already discussed, Chastity / Lust, Temperance / Gluttony, Charity / Greed, Diligence / Sloth and Patience / Wrath, we now move to Kindness and Envy. Continue reading “Fast Forward 2018 – Jesus Judo Part 6: Kindness & Envy”
A Few Lessons From Billy Graham
Many people inside and outside the church feel a great sense of loss with the passing of, perhaps, the greatest Evangelist since the Apostle Paul. Even at the age of 99 – and long past his active ministry days – his loss is still deeply felt by millions around the world.
I believe it is only appropriate to take a break from our series to briefly honor this man who has impacted so many. Though days could be spent reminiscing all that he was and all that he accomplished, I have narrowed the list down to seven things that all of us would do well to imitate. Continue reading “A Few Lessons From Billy Graham”
Sex: What Does it Have to do with Worship?

Sex! Advertisers sell it, Hollywood exalts it and Billions of dollars are given every year in search of it. But, there is something we crave even more than sex – it’s just that we often don’t realize it.
Valentine’s day is just around the corner. It is a time when people romanticize and think a great deal about the perfect, mutually-fulfilling relationship. Sadly, that kind of relationship appears increasingly difficult to come by. Life is busier, more distracting and frustratingly complicated. It also doesn’t help that culture persistently inundates us with confusing, and often opposing, ideas of what the ideal relationship is actually like. Continue reading “Sex: What Does it Have to do with Worship?”
Often Overlooked Ways Jesus Changed the World – Part 2
Who is this man Jesus? Love him or hate him, he cannot simply be ignored. Napoleon wrote of him,
I know men and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man. Between Him and every other person in the world there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creation of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded His Empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. – Napoleon
Continue reading “Often Overlooked Ways Jesus Changed the World – Part 2”