
doubleagentsEven after all these years, there is a clear image in my mind of the Nuclear Radiation symbol that adorned the stairwell of my elementary school. I vividly remember the drills where we were told to get under our desks or to walk quickly to the fall-out shelter in the basement of the building.

During the cold-war, these events were the norm for children all across America. We lived under a very real threat that the Soviet Union or one of its allies could launch nuclear missiles at any time. Growing up a little over one-hundred miles south-west of the nation’s capital and less than two-hundred miles north-west of the largest Navel Station in the world, made us very aware of our potential as collateral damage in a nuclear exchange.

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10 Ways to Express Yourself Without Being a Jerk

jerkI’ve been thinking a great deal lately about the “debates” going in our world. Unfortunately, it increasingly appears less about enlightened and reasoned conversations that make us all better, and more about personal pride and unyielding rants. While there should be encouragement from leadership to keep the discussion civil, it seems that more-often-than-not, leaders appear to be fueling the rage. I believe some do this for personal advantage while others are simply too immature to play well with others.

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Is Greece A Sign of the End?

GreeceAs Greece dances in the streets, the world teeters on the brink of financial and political collapse. Irresponsible and narcissistic impulses have seemingly seized control of the nations financial system and correspondingly our world economy.

I watched in horrified amazement this week as the people of Greece celebrated their recent electoral decision to stick their collective tongues out at their creditors. In some ways they are like little Oliver Twist holding out their beggar hands saying, “Please sir, may I have some more.” The biggest difference is that the people of Greece are not saying “please.”

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Is Today’s Preaching Powerless?

PowerlessPreachingWith churches springing up in nearly every old shopping center and High School, it would appear that the Church is alive and well and growing like never before. The truth is, looks are deceiving.

Indicators that reveal the true healthiness of the Church and its members are at record lows. Take a look at Christian divorce rates, church attendance, immorality, greed, discipleship, worldliness and spiritual complacency just to name a few. It doesn’t take a statistician to see that we have a lot of work to do.

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Inspiring Facts about the Mother of the Methodists

rockerSusanna Wesley (1669-1742) is probably best known as the Mother of John the great Preacher and Charles, the great Songwriter. She is one of the most powerful women in history. Though she never preached an official sermon, she is known as the Mother of Methodism.

Her daily routine would wear out many of the strongest among us. Her tenacity and discipline were the foundational building blocks of what would eventually become one of the largest church movements in history.

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Are We Living in the Last Days?

endDo you believe that the world has changed dramatically in a short period of time? Does it make you nervous? Do you think it is a sign that we are living in the “end times?”

The concept of “last days,” exists in Judaism, Christianity and even Islam. Each of the big three believe that a time of great turmoil will come which will lead to the eventual establishment of a global kingdom led by God.

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10 People that Illustrate why small is Big some time or another, we have probably all had the feeling that we are going nowhere fast. As we get older and/or have health problems, we may even begin to feel that we are going to leave this world without ever having truly released the music that is inside of us.

Through my studies of great men and women, I have come to believe that everyone feels at least a little disappointed with their life at one time or another. I remember hearing the great Bible teacher Chuck Swindoll once say that no one has ever been truly used by God without first being processed deeply. Swindoll has also written, “…no one deserves the right to lead without first persevering through pain and heartache and failure…”

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