God is doing a great work in our days in the area of illuminating our understanding of grace. Perhaps more than any time since 1779, when former slave ship captain John Newton penned the words, “Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me…,“ – people are asking the question, “what is grace?” and “what does it mean to me?” Let’s take a look at a few of the ways grace changes our lives. Continue reading “Illuminating Grace: 4 Ways that Grace Changes our Lives”
The Past is the Future
As we prepare to celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross this Friday, a great way to look forward is to first look back. About 2000 years before Christ, Abraham the Father of Faith, was commanded by God to sacrifice his only begotten son, Isaac. Coincidence? Absolutely not! God was setting into motion prophetic symbolism that would verify the authenticity of Jesus Christ as Messiah. Continue reading “The Past is the Future”
Why Did Santa Slap a Man?
Who’s Your Pastor?
When people begin referring to secular radio personalities as their Pastor, is it possible that something has gone askew in the Christian Faith?
I recently heard a few short minutes of a popular radio show. In those few minutes, two different callers called in to express their appreciation for the spiritual benefits they gleaned from the show.